Getting ready to go work in the gardens while it is still bearable outside - today is supposed to be a scorcher! This year has been so unusual in that we have had an abundance of rain for this time of year. We are usually scrambling to water on our even odd schedule of reduced water use. Some parts of the gardens and yard look like a rain forest - things are so plush and it is almost July - in past years we would have brown lawn now due to watering restrictions. I am so grateful for all the rain - one of my sisters lives on her water reserves, which have run dry due to so little rain in her area of NH.
I know that due to my inattention while I was ill, my gardens were just getting by, craving for care and attention. Just like anything else in life, with little care, they did get by, but did not flourish. Although I must add that the weeds did flourish and began to choke out some of my plants. During this time , any energy I was able to muster occasionally was put in to weeding around my perennials. Now with the care, attention and love I am able to lavish on them, they are in the best condition ever.
And so, an AHA moment here - All things in my life did not get much attention over the years while I was sick - It was like I was in a fog (Medicationally induced, obviously) This includes people in my life- family, friends, neighbors, as well as all the other "things". I withdrew within, to be able to start healing from within outward. It has been a long, slow process, but one that was productive, in that I got off all the meds and am now out of that "fog". And so I finally get on with this process of staying connected - to the important things in life - the living!! The people, the creatures, the flora and the fauna!!!
Today's Harvest ( Kakina ) [ Feb. 2025 ]-12
13 hours ago
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