Many of the seeds I planted on Monday are already up!! What a surprise. And it is only May 2nd!!
Ryan, Katelyn and I finished up the preparation for their raised beds and got a pea plant and two lettuce plants planted today. Tomorrow we will get some seeds planted. It takes A LOT of patience working with a 3 and 5 year old in the garden! I am so glad we built them their own little beds to keep them busy and out from under foot in the big beds.
Sheila came by today and helped to get bed #2 started. I am doing lasagna gardening in it. First layer was cardboard, then straw, peat and grass clippings. Each layer got watered thoroughly. Although I do have to admit that I forgot to water all of the cardboard before I put the straw in, but caught myself halfway through - which is better than remembering after the job was all completed!!
Wow! What a difference a second set of hands make. We whizzed right through the first few layers. Need to get my compost piles up front to fill these new beds. Have had a very generous offer of a small tractor to help with all the hauling. Thanks so much to such wonderful friends.
The new plant traders group is growing steadily. I am meeting lots of new gardeners. Unfortunately right now, with the veggie project I just don't have much extra time for plants, but I am fitting a few people into this busy schedule.
Off to buy the veggie plants I need tomorrow. Then to finish #2, and fill it with veggies!!!
Today's Harvest ( Kakina ) [ Feb. 2025 ]-12
13 hours ago
1 comment:
Hi Marna,
Any day next week I could help you in the garden? I could also buy you some veggie plants in exchange for more flowers : ) Let me know... Next weekend will be ONE year since we met, I am so glad we did!
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