This is the well established Hydrangea that I gave to one of our gardeners to make room for more garden area for vegetables.
Once it got removed I did a layering mulch over the area to get it ready for next spring's plants.
I had some tomato and eggplant in the area this season. By getting rid of the Hydrangea it doubled the available space. This is what it looks like now, with the mulch layering almost complete. I will be adding a nice layer of peat moss on top for the winter. It will be all ready for spring planting as soon as I am ready for it.
This is the other Hydrangea which was right in the front of the house, which was removed at the end of the summer. It freed up more space close to my front door for easy access during the early winter. I have planted Jerusalem Artichokes, Daylily and Chives there for harvesting in the cold weather, and lots of Garlic too.
This is another smaller Hydrangea from the front area. We moved it to where the white shrub rose bush was, to free up space for all the Fennel in that area. In researching on the internet I have found many culinary uses for the Fennel leaves and seeds. Of course, I will still be using these plants for my butterfly caterpillars, but it is great fun to find other uses for it that will benefit our palates!
This is what the front of the house looks like now, with all the plants cut down, having been used in my mulch layers.
The strawberries are ready for the winter with a new bedding of pine needle mulch.
I've also cleared out a large area in front of the large White Hydrangea at the side of the house, for greens that will appreciate the shade from the trees in the woods when it starts to get hotter next season.
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