Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Climbing Hydrangea, Fennel seeds

The following are several questions asked by gardeners through my email.

Regarding Climbing Hydrangea:
Can you tell me how to start from clippings? I did not realize you could do this and I would love to clip my own and start anew. Can this be done with all hydrangea types?
Thanks for your help!

You take clippings from an end of the growing hydrangea which includes at least three pairs of leaves. You put the cutting into soil mixed with peat moss, in a protected area, making sure to keep it moist until roots develop. Then it can be transplanted.

have 2 quick questions...what does the fennel seed look like if I want to make more from the one I have? Is it the furry shoots that are close to the stalk? Do they just reseed themselves?

Fennel seed develops after the flowers fade. The flowers are just in their prime right now. The seeds will develop by the end of this season.

Each little yellow bract will develop into a seed. They are used in cooking.

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