Went out to dinner and Borders with a great new friend last night.
My gardens have been so wonderful this year in that they were the inspiration for so much. Mostly, it was through sharing my gardens that I received the best of it. I got to meet so many new friends. That was an unexpected gift to me starting in May with the very first visitor to my gardens, Krissy!
When you get older, at least for me, you get into a routine with your life. You go from day to day and it's all about the same. When you step out of your routine, WOW!! Amazing things can happen.
There was so much that I experienced this past year. Now I just had the thought, why am I totally changing directions on this post?? Oh, Yea!!! It's New Years Eve today, so this is the last day of 2008!!
OH MY, another year gone by! And such a one at that!!
And the child shall lead .......
And my first child did lead. He led me right to this blog site, and into establishing the basis of my gardens venture!! Thank you, D. You are not in my daily life, but you are always in my heart.
I have been blessed this year by so many wonderful people. A great big hug goes out to all, and with it a THANK YOU for all that you have brought to me. The love that you have shared has multiplied exponentially and expanded all over!
I have been filled with joy and gratitude for all in my life and all yet to come.
I have been exploring new blogs and finding so much out there that I want to learn about and get involved with. At my age, I thought that I was pretty well set in my life. But no way!! There is so much to learn about, so many people to meet, and so much yet to do.
My mother is still around and getting ready to celebrate her 87th birthday next week. SO that would give me another 27 years. 2 of my paternal aunts lived to be 98 - that would be 89 more years. So much time to see and do so much!!!
WOW!! Life is just wonderful, with all it has to offer!!
So did I mention I had an awesome night??!! I went out with a friend, who so wonderfully provided transportation, as I have been finding it harder to be out driving at night these days. We had dinner and then went to a knitting group at Borders - What fun to sit among such a great group of women!! All ages, all kinds of talent!!! Great conversation, great kinship!!!
Thanks, Gretchen, for your generosity of spirit and your infectious love of life!! I get to share with you each week the joy of watching your knitting club at KPHS develop. You have created a place for teens to come and learn how to knit and crochet and gain from your wisdom and love. You are a wonderful teacher and on this last day of 2008, I thank God for you in my life and in Mia's life. For you see we lucked out, she just coincidentally got to have Mia in one of her Science classes this year!!!
Today's Harvest ( Kakina ) [ Feb. 2025 ]-12
3 hours ago