Had you come to visit my gardens in May of 2003, five years ago, this is what you would have seen. We had just completed the reconstruction of the front walkways, and I had reestablished the plantings that were dismantled during the process. As the contractor had conveniently "lost" my original plantings, which were supposed to have been moved to temporary beds, (Yea, like that was ever going to happen!)
Why is it that it takes being walked on, over and over again, by all the untrustworthy people who come into our lives, before we come to realize the only one person we can truly depend on is ourselves!!
If you look closely, you can almost see the beginnings of the Butterfly Bush.
My how it has changed in only five years!!
I had put in new Phlox plants, again, for the umpteenth time. I just love the way they create masses of beautiful colors in the beginning of spring. You'll notice that there is a section at the base of the wall for more plantings. We had this removed when we had our driveway repaved. I found it too annoying to try to keep it contained and frustrating when shoveling or plowing in the winter, so we just paved right up to the wall.
You can see the bed where the beautiful blue Hydrangeas put on such a magnificent showing this season.
This is the view looking towards the street from the garage. The Blue Spruce looks so small back then! Who knew it would get so large as to take over the whole area!
You can see how the lower plantings are now taller than the wall.
And the Bleeding hearts have spread out into the driveway.
Even though out of focus, you can still see how well these shrubs and plants have filled in the area.
The shrubs in this area are kept weed free with a thick carpet of variegated Hosta.
And as we proceed down the driveway,
the changes throughout the whole area can be seen in the abundance of spreading plants.
It was only six years ago, on Memorial Day when I created this heart shaped bed. It had been two separate beds of hostas around the two trees. I joined the area and planted my daughter's favorite plants in memory of her two miscarriages.
This is what it looked like this past Memorial Day, and in looking out the window as I write this, I can see that the two large Hosta on either side of the angel, which was raised up into an old wooden cradle, are dwarfing the statue.
Plants which began as forced companions in an unfamiliar setting, just like Mia in a new school year. After the newness wears off, and others become more familiar there is a comfort that is developed and then a friendliness that grows, friendships are formed and many lifetime bonds are developed.
Okay, so I start out just thinking this is about my gardens and how they change, and look at that - it becomes a commentary about life!!
How interesting!!
Or, should I say, how usual for me!!! LOL !!
1 comment:
How fantastic is that! Mother Nature is just amazing. Enjoy the day.....chat soon, as always, xo Babs
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