Bindweed, Convolvulus arvensis, also called Creeping Jenny, Field Morning-glory, or Field Bindweed is a nasty weed. I do give plants a chance to win me over - I have found several wildflowers that other people consider to be weeds that I really enjoy having in my gardens. As I don't always remember which ones I consider weeds from one year to the next I will often let them grow until flowering so that I can get a definite identification, and make a decision as to whether it's a go or not.
This is Hedge Bindweed. It has arrowhead shaped leaves. It is a member of the Morning Glory Family. It has a white flower that looks just like a Morning Glory, It is one of the most difficult weeds to get rid of. It has an extensive root system, sometimes penetrating to a depth of 10 feet.
I read an article last year that recommended you cut the plant back to above ground level during the growing season, and then treat the root. When I find the article I will give more information . I have been at this particular patch for many, many years. Last year, I pulled and dug up some of the root, but obviously it's still there!! This is bound to be an ongoing saga!!
I HATE those!! They strangle my nice, gentle plants...
I found one of these growing and at first thought, oh look, Morning Glory.
Then I read this.
UGH! It's coming out tomorrow!
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