Saturday, July 12, 2008

Seeds are up!!

Babs, an experienced gardener, spent almost three hours with me today, working in the gardens. We started on a needed path in the Crabapple garden, and one blocked by Peegee Hydrangea. She went home with many mature plants that needed to be removed to make space for the ones trying to find a place to grow.

Just to give you an idea of what she got for her garden, this is some of what she got that we thinned out: about 6 large rooted stems of the Hydrangea, 2 very large Black Eyed Susans, 2 very large Liatris, several Daylilies, thyme, Columbine, Pulmonaria, 2 large Rose Campion, Foxglove, Sundrops, to name a bunch.

I am detailing these plants to let you know that you can totally benefit from helping out. After 5 years of just minimal care the gardens need so much thinning. There will be so many plants needing new homes. Looking forward to sharing them with you. There will be opportunities for helping in the garden throughout the whole season. Right now being experienced is important because of the work I am doing. There will be plenty of opportunities for you newer gardeners. Watch for those postings.

We worked on the Pulmunaria bed also, weeding and pulling overgrowth to make room for the seedlings from this spring's seeds that are already 2-3 inches tall!! I never noticed the seedlings before as they grow under the mature plants. Found a bunch of runaways that I moved out of the way of trampling feet going to the sandbox!!!

Babs has gotten seeds from the gardens recently and she sent me these photos today to show me how they are progressing.

from Babs' email:
Baby Lupines, Bleeding hearts, I am so excited!! New from your garden seeds!!

You, too can grow perennials from seed - And it's free!! And so much rewarding fun!! Have a great night!!

Babs' comment on our gardening today:

I so enjoyed our wonderful time together in the garden this morning, just in time before it got too hot! I say to all if you want to spend some time with one of Heaven's Angels here on Earth come by and lend a hand. You won't be disappointed. This will prove to be one of the most joyous days that you will spend during this very short season. Your senses will be on overload as you view the magnifi-"Sense" of color, variety as well as, all of what nature has to offer. Marna, as always, a true kindred spirit, xo Babs

July 12, 2008 2:13 PM

1 comment:

moonbeam said...

She couldn't have said it any better! Marna IS an Angel!

And congrats on the new seedlings!
