Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Mia's poetry

Note: I've already had 7 people sign up to come help!

Mia, my 14 year old gardening daughter, wrote the following when she heard I was asking people to help in the garden.

By: Mia

Show the person you appreciate

By giving a helping hand

No gifts or money will overcome

The joy of a gardened land.

Happiness comes in many shapes and sizes

But none can overpower the warm, fuzzy feeling

Inside a gardener's heart

When she gives away her flowers

She warned be this one may seem harsh, but I just had to share it.

I'm willing to share
But let's be fair
I need help with my gardens
Instead of pulling up weeds
I'm gathering seeds
For a garden that's not my own
My garden's a mess
And I'm really stressed
I can't do this work all alone
With a few extra hands
We can weed these gardens to the bone


moonbeam said...

Bravo Mia!!!!!

Thank you for sharing what's in your heart, I enjoyed both of them!!

Very well written!


Anonymous said...

Mia is a great poet!!! I think share and share alike should go for plants and seeds as well as seeds. That way everyone get's a win-win. Besides helping weed your garden benefits all the garderners who now share in your kind offerings but also gardeners for years to come. I will be over to help out Friday morning. See you then.

inga yardngardn said...

A haiku for Mia:
Lovely sentiments,
Mirroring my feelings, too.
You should be proud, girl!

marna said...

Mia is here with me thinking about what she might way to respond to these comments.

To be continued ..............

or not,
as the case may prove to be........