Saturday, July 12, 2008

Monarch sighting!!

From Krissy, 7-11

I saw! I had a monarch butterfly I tried to photograph it but they didn't come out good because of the light!
But I took some with my other camera and it has filters on it so when it gets developed hopefully they will come out good!!!

Keep a watch, folks - the Monarchs are arriving!!


marna said...

Let us know what butterflies you are seeing, as well as other species of nature. I got a great picture of a Tiger Swallowtail, Pterourus glaucus, enjoying a snack in an Orange Daylily!

I've seen Skippers (not close enough to get identified), Cabbage Whites, Artogeia rapae, Painted Lady, Vanessa virginiensis, Anise Swallowtail, Papilio Zelicaon, Eastern Black Swallowtail, Papilio Polyxenes, Spicebush Swallowtail, Pterourus troilus, Blues (also not close enough)

I don't put u[p a hummingbird feeder, but have been seeing hummingbirds, also.

Anonymous said...

I saw 2 different Monarch Butterflies yesterday afternoon. 1 was the largest I have ever seen. I was with the 4 children I watch and they were delighted. I wish I thought to get them a caterpillar when you still had them as they would love to watch the process. They are at just the right ages and have a great porch for them to live in until they can be set free. Have a great day!

marna said...

For those of you who have never had the experience of raising a butterfly, you should consider it. It is unlike anything you have ever done. Check out:

This is a very easy site to follow. It gives all you need to know about the process.

You will be able to do Monarchs with them, Jeanne. I'll have plenty of eggs, and you live close enough to me that I can supply you with the milkweed leaves, if you don't have any closer to you.They will be coming to lay eggs around the end of the month!! They are now here, so they are all looking for just the right patch of Milkweed to lay their eggs on!!

Or you could go on a hunting mission with the kids - hunting for Milkweed patches near their house!!

The Monarch is a great butterfly to raise with kids - the process from egg to butterfly is just 14 days - they are like clockwork - whereas other species are more variable in their metamorphosis.